Drama during the Victorian age: in the 19th century in England a new theatrical genre developed, the melodrama.
In the 19th century in England a new theatrical genre developed: the melodrama, that was an extremely simple and short play with superficial and stereotypical characters and in which good always won over evil. In this period also developed the music hall, that was a variety entertainment with songs, jokes, acrobats and belly dancers.
This theatrical genre used taboo subjects such as sex through the employment of double meaning and it tendered towards slapstick (comicitagrossalana). The people usually went to the theatre to enjoy something carefree, exciting and funny. Much space was given to music and and sound effects in order to create emotion and sensations, while the characters were stiff and flat. Were built small theatres, that presented modern innovations like gas lighting, which replaced candles and sophisticated machinery, like the ''box-set''. Oscar Wilde was certainly the most outstanding representative of the poetry of the aesthetic movement, but he is better known for his activity as a playwright. he gave fantasy, vivacity and a breathe of a new life to drama. His comedies, full of humour, intrigued and fascinated the audience.
What is the Victorian age? Victorian era, in British history, the period between approximately 1820 - 1914, corresponding roughly but not exactly to the period of queen Victoria's reign (1837 - 1901) characterised by a class- based society, a growing number of people able to vote, a growing state and economy, and Britain's statues as the most.
You've found some interesting material but even google doesn't know what comicitagrossalana means! The comedy and innuendo is more music hall, melodramas are more like our soap operas- very serious and lots of good vs eveil action.