
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Parihaka: Tim Finn and The Herbs

What is the main message of this song? The message this song is trying to tell the people of Parihaka is to not give in and to rise up and defend themselves, its also telling them that they are taking it the wrong way by not taking action to fight back or to stand up for themselves and that the spirit of Te Whiti is guiding them and that he will always be with them

What line explains their passive resistance method? My friend, My friend, I hate to see you suffer Events conspire to bring us to our knees My friend, my friend, you've taken this the wrong way Rise up, defend yourself, this piece of lyrics is explaining about how they were very passive and how it was a non violent and peaceful protest 

What does you cant pull out the roots refer to? I think it means that they cant change the past as to what has happened to all the innocent people that were arrested for no reason whatsoever, I think it also means that they cannot do anything about the land that was confiscated by the British.

Give evidence of determination: The song shows determination because of how the people looked up to the spirit of Te Whiti and realized that he is always watching over them which gave them reason to continue and keep fighting and pushing for freedom.

How does this song refer the the significance of parihaka? This song shows the significance of Parihaka because it talks about the events that happened and how the people were affected by these events.

What makes an event significant? The reasoning/occasion as to what it is happening for.

How many people are affected? Te Whiti and Tohu were arrested and jailed for 16 months, 1,600 Parihaka inhabitants were expelled and dispersed throughout Taranaki without food or shelter and the remaining 600 residents were issued with government passes to control their movement.

How long were people affected? Many people were affected by this event and still up to this day people are still impacted by the horrible things that had happened.

To what extent are people affected? They were affected by the British people who were confiscating their lands and arresting many people who were innocent, up to this day they people are still affected.


  1. Nice work, but next time work on your punctuation.. get da

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice work richard, but the font changed near the end.

  3. Make your blog beautiful great blog
